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Pastoral Counseling

Dr. Stevenson will complete a psychiatric evaluation followed by Christ-centered counseling for those who qualify. Therapeutic interventions will be designed to target and treat specific life issues and circumstances. Virtual therapy may be instituted for those patients who have been stabilized with in-office treatment.
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Psychiatric Consultations

Stevenson offers second opinion psychiatric consultations and consultations regarding medication management.
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Spiritual Direction

Stevenson will journey alongside those who seek to have a deeper relationship with God, and also with those facing life crises and transitions who may be struggling with where God is in their current life circumstances. She journeys with those who are hurting as a soul friend who listens with them to hear and respond to the voice and invitations of God. She will listen with those seekers to hear the voice and invitations of God.
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Speaking Engagements

Dr. Stevenson speaks at churches, community organizations, conferences, and corporate events on the importance of recognizing the need of addressing mental, emotional, and spiritual health in a culture that is inundated with increasing stress and turmoil. She offers timely solutions for stress management and self-care as well as how to address the rampant anxiety found in families, groups, and other organizations.
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Dr. Stevenson offers healing retreats in beautiful locations to individuals and couples. These retreats offer a safe, nurturing, and immersive healing experience for weary souls to find rest, renewal, and rejuvenation. Dr. Stevenson and her team also offer retreats that focus on the healing of various traumas to include abuse, sexual trauma, abortion, and other types of pregnancy loss.
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