Psychiatrist, Minister, Author & Transformational Healing Coach

Ten Things to Do While Cocooning: Transformation and Self-Care in the Age of the Coronavirus

I am fascinated by butterflies! After my beautiful mom died, I believe she let me know she was in the arms of our Savior in the form of a beautiful red butterfly that met me at the same place on my daily walk for three days. 

The butterfly reveals a beautiful picture of transformation, resurrection, and new life. 

What we see in the natural realm also takes place in the spiritual realm. The beauty and wonder of the natural realm gives us a beautiful picture of what is taking place in the spiritual realm.

As I began to study the transformation of the butterfly from a caterpillar, this process of transformation really spoke to me about our own transformation as Christians.

The butterfly forms a chrysalis and the moth forms a cocoon. With minor differences, their transformation processes are similar. I am using the word, “cocooning” while referring to the butterfly, because I like the imagery of the cocoon.

I coined this word “Cocooning,” which I define as, “a state of being where extreme transformation occurs.” It is a space for the courageous, those souls who have chosen to embark on a journey to make positive change in their lives, despite the difficulties and challenges surrounding them.

Cocooning is a complicated process. And much is going on deep within.

First and foremost, the caterpillar has to die before the butterfly begins to form. What is left of the caterpillar is what has been referred to as the “caterpillar soup,” and the rudimentary cells that remain in this “soup” are called imaginal discs. 

The word, “Imagine,” comes from a root word that means, “to form an image of,” “to sculpt, to carve.”

The Imago Dei means the Image of God. Therefore, the process of Cocooning is the process where the Image of God is being manifested and formed in me during a time of crisis, change, and transition.

These imaginal cells begin the process of developing into the butterfly after the caterpillar has died. The dying process is the foundation of new life.

The new self grows as it processes and works through the old self.

 The old life of the caterpillar is used in two ways. 

1. The disintegrated caterpillar becomes the “caterpillar soup” that provides the nutrition for the developing new butterfly.

2. This “soup” also releases the Imaginal Discs, which develop into various parts in the new butterfly. 

As Christians, our old selves die. 

Being a new creation in Christ is an inside out job much like what we see in the transformation of the caterpillar into the butterfly. 

Look at these verses from Colossians chapter 3

“For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. Col. 3:3… 

Put to death whatever is in you that is earthly… Col. 3:5a, and clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience… forgive one another, and above all else, clothe yourself with love, which binds all things together in perfect harmony.” Col. 3:12-14)

Your old self is the foundation for the transformed new you. Please meditate on this concept. Your old self is of infinite value in your process of transformation. Jesus still had His scars on His resurrected body. His crucifixion was crucial before He received His crown.

 It is in the  working through of the pain and the trauma of the past, that causes you to let go of your past life of sadness, anger, envy, selfishness, unforgiveness, and a sense of your own unworthiness,  and walk anew  in a life of knowing who you are and whose you are. Working through your pain and trauma frees you to fully live into  the Fruit of the Holy Spirit – especially love.

What was your life like BC?

What was your life like BC – Before Christ – before Jesus became your Lord and Savior? How has Jesus Christ impacted your life? How has our Savior molded and transformed you up to this moment in your life?

Now, let’s go one step further. 

What was your life like BC – Before Coronavirus?

Like 9/11, this pandemic has truly impacted us. Most of us remember that transformative day – What we were doing, where we were when we heard or saw the news of those huge jetliners crashing into the twin towers and then into the Pentagon.

The pandemic entered our consciousness in a far different way than September 11, 2001, but its impact has been far reaching and will probably change life for us forever.

What was your life like Before Coronavirus? What were you doing in your life before this pandemic? If you are like most of us, you were probably seeing some things in your life that needed change, but you were also saying, 

“Why should I do this today, when I can so easily put it off until tomorrow?” 

And tomorrow just never seemed to come.

What was the Holy Spirit nudging you about (maybe this was just me!!) that you were saying, “Okay, Lord, You’re right, I’m a little busy right now, but I’ll get to it!”

Now that we are living through this pandemic, I believe that the Lord is inviting us into the process of Cocooning and the Transformative Life that comes from it.   

What was your life like BC – Before Cocooning?   

My life was a frenzy of going from one project to another, traveling here and there, doing so many things and everything – to try to find my place in the world. 

I was caretaking others, and kind of taking care of myself in the midst of it all. Yet, I was losing myself while at the same time, trying to find myself.

The coronavirus pandemic is the outward manifestation of a spiritual process. We have been invited into a season of Extreme Transformation!

We have been called to cocoon in a way that is deeper and more transformative than in the past. 

We are on Kairos time: a time when conditions are right for the accomplishment of a crucial action. We are living in a decisive moment – in our lives and in the Kingdom of God.

Kairos has been described as being “God’s time.”

It is “an appointed time,” a time that God has chosen for something significant to occur. 

Something significant is happening in the earth and something significant is happening in the heavenly realms!

I WANT TO BE A PART OF GOD’S TIME!! I want to be a part of God’s Kairos Moment!

And I believe this is an opportunity for each of us to commune with and serve God in revolutionary new ways.

What is God speaking to you about your particular calling in this season? 

How is the Holy Spirit calling you to TRANSFORM?

So, what are the 10 things you can do while you are cocooning that will allow you to emerge on the other side transformed and continuing to walk in your wholeness and destiny?

  1. Recognize that this is a Divine Moment to connect with reconnect with God.  A Kairos moment! This is Foundational to everything else we do.  

Meet God in prayer and meet God in silence. 

Allow God to give you a new perspective of your old life. 

And a New perspective of God!

It’s time for the people of God to take God Out of the Box!

God is telling us, 

           “Behold, I will do a new thing,
           Now it shall spring forth;
           Shall you not know it?
           I will even make a road in the wilderness
          And rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19

God is doing a new thing in the midst of all of this confusion and uncertainty.

This is a Kairos Moment!

Memorize scripture, let it fortify you in these times. 

Fast – from food, but not just food – technology, complaining about what you don’t have, negativity…  Fast so you can hear God’s Voice speaking to You! 

Take the time to Sip on a cup of coffee or tea and just enjoy the Lord’s Presence. 


  1. Diminish worldly distractions and noise and tune in to the beauty and gifts of each day. 
    • Get up early and watch a sunrise or pause at the end of your day and watch a sunset. 
    • Study the intricate beauty of a flower. Let a butterfly, a bee, or a bird catch your attention, and observe them.
    • Listen for the sounds of nature all around you.
    • Watch the news as infrequently as you can. Tune down the conspiracy theories, and enjoy the quiet.
    • Develop a curiosity about the world you see around you, and recognize that, 

The natural world gives us a beautiful picture of the spiritual world.  


Stay in the PRESENT Moment!!! Do your healing work from the past, prepare for, but don’t ruminate and be in a state of worry about the future. 

BE PRESENT TODAY!!! The Present is truly a gift! 

We don’t know what tomorrow holds but we know that tomorrow is in GOOD HANDS, because we know that tomorrow is in God’s Hands. 

Give your yesterdays and tomorrows to God, and enjoy Him in your present moment. Treasures await you there.


    1. Organize and Declutter your surroundings. In this culture of acquisition, we have accumulated MUCH! 

Let some things go and order your world. You will feel lighter and less burdened and encumbered. 

This world is NOT our home! Sometimes, we need to be reminded of that.

You will find that as you begin to clean out the old stuff, things get messier for a while, but keep letting things go. This is true in life, that as we begin to let go of that which is un-necessary or no longer needed, things seem to get messier before we are finally able to release them and let them go.

This season is reminding us of what is really important and what is truly necessary.

How do you feel when you are in a cluttered space? How do you feel when you are bombarded with stuff? Information? Tons of emotions that invade your soul? Do you feel tired? Weighed down? Overwhelmed? Anxious? 

Your body, soul, and spirit will let you know when your whole being has been overwhelmed with the stuff of this world. Pay attention! And listen to the voice of your heart!



  1. Declutter your thoughts. Declutter your mind. 

Remember, what you focus on, grows. 

Fill your mind with the Promises of the Kingdom. 

You have died to some old things that need to stay in the past. They become the “caterpillar soup.” 

 Think of the butterfly. Chew on and digest what you can. 

Discard what you no longer need.

And manifest that which was already there but needed the right environment to grow.

Replace discouraging thoughts with faith-filled thoughts.  

Do this OFTEN! 

Memorize Scripture – it’s the best cognitive therapy. 

REMIND GOD OF HIS PROMISES, and live into them!!!

Bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ Jesus.


  1. Laughter and a Merry Spirit are the Best Medicine! – Dance in your underwear in front of the mirror! I know that makes me laugh! Observe small children playing. This is JOY! Laugh with your family. Do silly stuff!!! Enjoy your life. Enjoy your life with those precious ones who are traveling this life’s journey with you.


  1. EAT HEALTHY FOOD, DRINK PLENTY of WATER, and MOVE IT!!! The coronavirus takes a terrible toll on folks who have underlying health problems. 

What can You Do TODAY to be healthier? This is significant for communities of color with high rates of HTN, diabetes, heart disease, obesity… Healthcare disparities are real, but what are we doing to lessen our own risk, not only with this virus, but with life in general? 

We can choose a healthier lifestyle while we are cocooning.


  1. Yes, take the time (you now have it!) to heal from past wounds in a constructive way. 

Transformation is a messy business!!!

Ask God to reveal to you what in your life needs healing, and then take the time to heal. 

Feel what you feel, tell it to God or share with trusted loved ones or your therapist.

Don’t deny what you feel.  SIT IN IT, until it loses its power.

Depression, Bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, and other mental illnesses are real, and unresolved trauma can worsen symptoms.

You can live a powerfully productive life if you suffer from any of these illnesses. They are best dealt with good medical and psychological treatment, good support systems, and a sense of purpose in life. 

And this is where the power of your faith in God comes in. Your faith in God empowers you and gives you hope. Your faith in God helps you hold on and gives you a glimmer that all is not lost. It helps you to live one day at a time, and sometimes, one moment at a time.


  BOUNDARIES are crucial! There are things I can do and there are things that only God can do. 

  I must Remember who owns the problem! 

  Remember who owns the problem and get back to doing your own work of healing.


  1. Develop New Habits – Learn a new language, learn a craft, a new skill, pick up your old instrument and play, plant a garden, paint a picture, read good and inspiring books, write that book you’ve been intending to write. Learning healthy habits helps us to let go of unhealthy addictions. Healthy habits give you space to draw closer to God. Tapping into your creativity or developing self-discipline in caring for yourself, create space for a greater awareness of God. Unhealthy habits and addictions entice you away from God, because spiritually, addictions are in reality a form of idolatry. In the natural realm, many refer to addiction as a disease process. This is the subject of many arguments that I will not discuss here. Addictions do impact the brain and organ systems, but in the realm of the spirit, addictions become “little gods.” I encourage you to develop habits that are life-giving and point you to Christ, and turn away from any activity, person, or thing that draws your heart away from God.
  2. Balance work, rest, and play.

Doing meaningful work is a blessing. 

God also called us to Honor the Sabbath and t Keep it Holy. But have we really done this? Have we been diligent in honoring the rest God has called us to? 

In this workaholic culture we live in, many of us are struggling just to be in our homes for a few days, and now weeks. 

We have become hyperkinetic and restless.  We have a cultural ADHD. 

And now we have been invited to rest. 

We have been called to meaningful work, Sabbath rest, and healthy play. We always have been, we are now in a season where we just cannot ignore it.

The balance of work, rest, and play are crucial for health and wholeness.

I’ve got the work thing down pat! I struggle in the areas of rest and play. 

Cocooning is changing this for me. 

How about you? What is the hardest thing for you to balance – work, rest, or play?

Self- Care and nurture are crucial during this time. We struggle to minister to others because we struggle to minister to ourselves. Jesus often went to a quiet place to pray and commune with God. This is our sacred charge as well. Can you balance work, rest, and play and take care of you in the process? 


  1. Pray for others – Unfortunately, prayer is usually our last resort, but prayer should be our first resort. Praying for my brothers and sisters opens up the blessings of heaven upon them. 

Prayer says, “Lord, You are Able! I trust You to take care of my loved ones, because You love them first and You love them best.” 

In this age of the coronavirus, we can pray for loved ones even when we cannot physically be with them. This is potent reminder that prayer is really the most powerful thing we can do for others.

We are now being invited to be creative in how we connect with and serve others. The Holy Spirit is speaking. The One who brooded over the chaos of the waters of creation is the same One who will speak to you concerning how you should serve others in this season. Masks, gifts, and essential items for first responders, medical personnel, your elderly neighbors, and others…

A unique calling is awaiting you, as you reach out to the weary and broken in miraculously creative new ways.

This cocooning process is not about completing the items on a checklist, it is about making space available for God to do His transforming work in you. 

It’s about being willing to let God reveal your most hidden parts and then to expose them to His Light. 

Cocooning is about allowing the Image of God that was formed in you before He created the foundations of the world, to be Formed, Shaped, and Transformed into the You who is Uniquely and Wonderfully YOU!

We have an awesome opportunity to allow this Cocooning process to conform us into the Image of Christ in this Kairos moment.

This is GOD’S TIME!!!!

And You have come to the Kingdom for such a time as this. 

Atlanta Georgia